Making sense of strategic situations

You see problems or challenges in your organization and you have plans to solve them. You are not aiming just to become a leader, you are in this to make your organization better! However, your management or the board doesn't listen to you or they decide in ways you don't understand. It is exhausting. What games are they playing? Wouldn't it be great if you could make your plans for your organization finally happen? You need influence! Confidently claim the influence you need to make the changes you want. Improve the situation in your daily working life, while keeping your energy levels up.

Do you recognise this?

Then this course is for you!

  • You started to work in a management position and run into 'strange' situations.

  • You feel 'not being taken seriously', or even personally attacked sometimes on who you are and what you do in your job.

  • You are content driven and aim to do useful and meaningful things for your organization. You like to work with other talented people, who have the drive to make something happen too.

  • A formal influential position (such as general manager, director of a department or a member of the management team) is not your goal in itself. You are happy when there are good people in such positions that do their job well.

  • However your 'happiness' in your work is not what it used to be. Your energy gets drained. Your energy level gets lower.

Learn to claim your influence

In order to break this cycle, you need to find out WHAT is going on in the upper management level, what power play and power situations are, WHY it is happening and HOW you can act in these situations while staying true to yourself. You need to keep your energy level balanced too, so you can become influential in a sustainable way.

How does the course work?

  • Think

    Lessons with theory, explanations and examples in text and videos.

  • Apply

    Assignments and downloadable worksheets help you to apply what you've learned to your own situation.

  • Reflect

    Questions and answers to critically rethink your situation and to reflect on your Personal Learning Path.

Time investment

How much time does it take to finish this course?

We help you on your way to getting influence, and, during that process the content of this course is at your disposal. The process will probably be something you’ll want to review after some time because your situation changes too. This course, therefore, is not a 'pass and then it is finished' kind of course. To go over the material of the full course and apply it, takes an average participant roughly 6 weeks and 3-5 hours per week though you should be thinking about it more often. After those 6 weeks, you will keep on using the models, worksheets and ideas in this course to further pave your way towards getting the influence you want.

Situations to overcome

  • "The management just does its own way. I don't want to play their games."

    We are going to help you analyse these types of situations to see what is really going on. And more importantly, to find out how YOU can act in these situations! We will guide you towards finding your strategies to claim influence that fits you, to reply on possible attacks on your weaknesses. Every situation has its own rules. Fortunately, we can teach you the rules. And then you can decide how to play the game! That will give you the confidence to claim your influence.

  • "I would really want to create my vision and contribute to my organization, but I don't know if I can. My job is taking me too much energy already."

    That is why we will guide you through the process of claiming influence, while also paying attention to your energy balance. You are in it for the long run, isn't it? That's why it is important that you can manage power plays and stay energised at the same time.

Course curriculum

    1. 3.1 Why do power situations and power play exist?

    2. 3.2 What precisely is 'a power situation' and 'power play'?

    3. 3.3 How do I recognize power situations and power play?

    4. 3.4 What does powerplay mean to me?

    5. 3.5 Understanding powerful people in my organization

    6. 3.6 Rethinking power situations and power play in my organization

    7. 3.7 My Personal Learning Path: step by step mastering the content of this course

    1. 4.1 Why can I, or even should I, 'act' in Power Situations?

    2. 4.2 What precisely is 'acting in Power Situations'?

    3. 4.3 How can I act in power situations?

    4. 4.4 What does acting in power situations mean to me?

    5. 4.5 Designing my way of acting in the power situations in my organization

    6. 4.6 Rethinking my way of acting in the power situations in my organization

    7. 4.7 My personal learning path: step by step mastering the content of this course

    1. 5.1 Why is my energy balance of importance to me?

    2. 5.2 What precisely is my 'energy balance'?

    3. 5.3 How do I maintain my energy balance?

    4. 5.4 What does an energy balance mean to me?

    5. 5.5 Designing my overall action plan to reach my objectives while keeping my energy level balanced

    6. 5.6 Rethinking my action plan, my objectives and my energy balance

    7. 5.7 My personal learning path: step by step mastering the content of this course

    1. 6.1 Congratulations! What is next...

About this course

  • €295,00
  • 30 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Basic course

The basic course is a shortened version of the full course. It is a complete learning experience, but very compact and less detailed. Compared to the full course curiculum, only the first three lessons of every module are included.

Full course

Complete course curriculum as stated in the overview above, including personal learning path at the end of each module.

Feedback on your work

Receive elaborate feedback on all your written assignments and thoughts, and, get answers to your remaining questions in each module of the course. Full course included.

  • €1.495,00

    On your way to influence including feedback on your work

    Enroll now


Have any of us as personal teacher and coach during the course to personally discuss your work at any stage and discuss all questions you have. Full course included.

  • €2.995,00

    On your way to influence including coaching

    Enroll now

Get started

See for yourself if you appreciate our approach and decide if you really want to invest in yourself.


Receive feedback on your worksheets assignments

Extensive personal feedback on your worksheet assignments, so you can analyze the situation with a different point of view. This feedback also helps you to overcome the many common situations and mistakes we have seen over the years, but tailored to your situation. You can hand in your worksheets per module and receive our feedback in return.

Coaching track

Individual live coaching sessions

We discuss the worksheet assignments, analyze your situation, clarify all your remaining questions and create, together, a clear vision of your desired path. We create a shared collaborative environment for this individual coaching track, so we can exchange what you need along your way. The sessions can be online or face-to-face. If you first bought feedback as add-on to your course, then you get a discount to upgrade to this coaching track. Just contact us for this personally.

Your coaches

"We, Alexander and Linda, see the enormous potential in people who are not playing the influence game well yet, but who could be the best leaders their organisations would wish for. Do you want to step up to this challenge? We are here to guide you on your way to influence!"

Linda Mebus

Nice to meet you. My name is Linda Mebus and I would be happy to learn about you and what we can do together. I am an Educational Developer and Trainer. I see myself as a guide, someone who guides people along a part of their journey. Keeping our energy balanced needs attention every step of the way. Sometimes even a small talk can make a world of difference; it is all about the power of connecting and sharing! I am working in e-learning and online education since 2002, guiding hundreds of people in individual sessions, group sessions, workshops, courses, online and face-to-face. I am always interested in discovering what makes people passionate in life and work, what is blocking them from achieving their goal, and to finding solutions. So I am ready to meet you!

Alexander de Haan

Hello Everyone! Thanks for showing interest in our course 'On your way to influence'. I am an Aerospace Engineer MSc, a Social Psychologist MA, hold a PhD in Systems Engineering, Policy Analysis and Management, and, most importantly, I really like people, especially people who want to achieve something in complex situations, combining the 'hard, systematic engineering' and 'soft psychological' side of life. For over 20 years I have worked with people. Well over 200,000 students in my worldwide on-line classes, hundreds of bachelor, master or MBA students, large groups of management trainees, managers, MTs, CFOs, CEOs, boards of directors, and, (professional) athletes. What I am interested in is how I can help people in getting where they really want to be, instead of being depended on what others think is 'good' or 'not good'. I love tapping into the potential of any person and any team. Helping people (and you!) to see what of their behavior brings them closer to their objectives and what does not. Making these patterns, convictions and habits visible, use them or replace them if necessary for patterns, convictions, habits and behavior that helps them in reaching their objectives. Join in! I am looking forward to be working with you.